1. Speaking Drill

I have nothing to ~. : ~할 게 아무것도 없어.

I have nothing to wear in the closet.

I have nothing to complain about.

I have nothing to eat or drink.

I have nothing to write about.

What is[are] ~ for? : ~는 뭐하는 데 쓰는 거야?

What are all these clothes for?

What is this stick for?

What are the boxes for?

What are these small plastic bags for?

I'd better . : ~해야겠어.

I'd better go clothes shopping.

I'd better go now.

I'd better tell you the truth.

I'd better change my plans for tonight.

2. Model Dialogue

Taylor: Oh, I'm running late for my blind date.

Mother: You haven't left yet?

Taylor: Mom, I have nothing to wear in the closet.

Mother: What are all these clothes for?

Taylor: I'd better go clothes shopping.

Mother: What about for your blind date?

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

run late for ~: ~에 늦어지다

blind date: 소개팅, 미팅

closet: 옷장

clothes shopping: 옷을 사러 가는 것

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> ft의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 윗닛를 아랫입술에 닿은 채로 f발음을 한뒤, 바로 혀끝을 입천장에 댔다가 떼면서 소리냄

Your voice sounds really soft.

Turn left here.

Please hold lift.

It's a gift for you.

I'm on the early shift tomorrow.

That's a swift boat.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~할 게 하나도 없어.

Step 1: I have nothing to...

Step 2: 소개팅에 입고 나갈 게 하나도 없어.

Step 2: I have nothing to wear for my blind date.

Step 3: 옷장 안에 소개팅에 입고 나갈 게 하나도 없어.

Step 3: I have nothing to wear for my blind date in the closet.

Step 4: 배가 너무 고픈데 내장고에 먹을 게 하나도 없어.

Step 4: I'm really hungry but I have nothing to eat in the fridge.

6. 짤막 Tip

blind의 쓰임

> 의미: '시력이 없는, 앞이 안 보이는' 이라는 뜻

> blind date

(누가 나오는지 모르고 나가서 이성과의 만남을 갖는 미팅 소개팅)

> go blind

(눈이 멀다, 시력을 잃다)

> be born blind

(시력이 없는 상태로 태어나다)

> blind optimism

('맹목적인, 분별없는' 이라는 뜻으로 쓰여서 '맹목적인 낙관주의')

> blind obedience

(무조건적인 순종, 맹종)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I'd better change my plans for tonight.

You haven't left yet?

(아직 안 나갔니?)

Please hold lift.

(엘리베이터 좀 잡아 줘.)

I'm on the early shift tomorrow.

(저 내일 주간반이에요.)

9. Homework

'영어 > Easy english' 카테고리의 다른 글

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