1. Speaking Drill

own ~ : ~를 가지고 있다

Do you own a grey EBC onata, number 04서 1234?

How many bags do you own?

Do you own an apartment or rent one?

I want to own my own private island some day.

I'm afraid ~. : ~인 것 같은데 어떡하지.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

I'm afraid I broke your phone.

I'm afraid I can't attend your birthday party.

I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you.

fall on ~ : ~에 떨어지다

A tree fell on your car a few minutes ago.

The leaves were falling on my head.

Be careful or The tree will fall on you.

When I went ice-skating, a beautiful lady fall on me.

2. Model Dialogue

(on the phone)

Police Officer: This is Jiyong Lee from police station. Is this Roy Campbell?

Roy: Yes, this is he. What's wrong?

Police Officer: Do you own a grey EBC onata, number 04서 1234?

Roy: (nervous) Yes, That's my car.

Police Officer: I'm afraid I have some bad news. A tree fell on your car a few minutes ago.

Roy: What terrible luck!

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

police station: 경찰서

own: 가지고 있다, 소유하다

grey: 회색; 회색의

fall on ~: ~에 떨어지다

luck: 운, 행운

trouble maker: 골칫덩어리

the colored paper: 색종이

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

tr의 발음을 연습

This is my treasure.

Let's take a train.

Fold the colored paper into a triangle.

How many countries have you traveled to?

Is that true?

He's such a trouble maker.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 나무 한 그루가 ~위에 떨어졌어.

Step 1: A tree fell on...

Step 2: 나무 한 그루가 네 차 위에 떨어졌어.

Step 2: A tree fell on your car.

Step 3: 나무 한 그루가 몇 분 전에 네 차 위에 떨어졌어.

Step 3: A tree fell on your car a few minutes ago.

6. 짤막 Tip

숫자 표현 알아 듣기와 말하기

> 영어를 할 때 어려운 것 중의 하나가 숫자 표현

> 소리 내어 중얼거리면서 적어라

> 내가 숫자를 말할 때는 적어 둔 숫자를 보고 머릿속에 적어 두고 상상하면서 읽어 가시면 실수 없이 말할 수 있음

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I want to own my own private island some day.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you.

Be careful or The tree will fall on you.

When I went ice-skating, a beautiful lady fall on me.

This is Jiyong Lee from police station.

(경찰서의 이지용입니다.)

Yes, this is he.

(네, 전데요.)

What terrible luck!

(이렇게 운이 나쁠 수가!)

Fold the colored paper into a triangle.

(색종이를 세모 모양으로 접으세요.)

How many countries have you traveled to?

9. Homework

'영어 > Easy english' 카테고리의 다른 글

Easy english - 13.02.04 학습  (0) 2013.02.04
Easy english - 13.02.01 학습  (0) 2013.02.01
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Easy english - 13.01.29 학습  (0) 2013.01.29
Easy english - 13.01.28 학습  (0) 2013.01.28